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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Functional and Elegant Kitchens

The kitchen is a restaurant's engine room. Therefore, if you are just designing your kitchen or has plans of redesigning it, there are a couple of factors you have to keep in mind.

SHOW KITCHEN OR NOT? If customers see your kitchen from the dining area, then it's high time to look for a good designer and an aesthetic and functional kitchen. The usual stainless steel would do but would not really be an aesthetic treat, would it? If it will be a visible kitchen (from the dining area), then you just might think of using lighting fixtures that enhance the kitchen and beautiful copper sinks and shining or colored pots and pans. Your staff's uniform should also be spruced up to something a little bit more savvy.

SPACE. Over the clients I have had, space allocated for the kitchen have been extremes. Mega-spacious to mega-crowded! Because most of the time, the kitchen is not thought of as much as dining room. The space you allocate depends on your menu (how many stations do you need, seating capacity, complexity of the menu).

MENU. As I just said, your kitchen would also depend on the requirements of your menu. Is it a specialty house that will only require one or two stations? Or a complex full-course menu with all the stations you can think of? Your menu would also dictate the equipment you need to have space or floor space allocated in the kitchen.

STAFFING. You don't really need a 90 square meter kitchen if you only have 2 or 3 people in the kitchen. Give each staff at least 4 square meters of space to work in including the work table or any equipment he or she has to operate.

FORM OR FUNCTION? Most kitchens now have the 'function'. However, since it has become a fad to let customers into the ktichen and see the action, it might be time to go for 'form'. Copper kitchen sinks give your kitchen a warm look. Colored walls and well-designed cupboards and stations give it the vibe.

OTHERS. Ventilation should be considered. Access to the back entrances, materials to use for table tops and walls would depend on your location.

Ready to redesign your kitchen? Go order that copper sink now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

stainless steel kitchen sinks. There's a huge range on here...