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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Desperate Marketing

Restaurants in very competitive situations are in for rough times. Restaurants in malls, tourist areas, shopping areas, school compounds and other busy places usually have a fierce contest in retaining guests and keeping the restaurant sound.

As a result, a restaurant owner or manager has to put his brains to work in matters of promotions. Aside of course from trying to keep the food and service in tiptop shape.

I have seen all kinds of tricks from eat-all-you-can's, loyalty cards, value meals, freebies, sexy servers, singing staff, discounts to, yes, even celebrity waiters.

However, I try to lean away from those promotional activities that cheapen a brand or a restaurant. These are the activities that give discounts, 2 plus one kind of gimmick and such. These are usually called desperate marketing moves.

Discounts are a total turn-off for me especially if obviously used improperly. When I say used improperly, either the discount is too small to even be inviting to diners or to big that the food is practically given away for free. Sometimes discounts are too strict. But let me point out that in general, discounts should not be used in good times like lunch or dinner service or busy days.

2 (or any number) with a plus one or any number kind of promo is another major desperate move. Usually done with items that are not fast-moving or items where the restaurant gets a good deal with the supplier.

Let me point out though that for most casual dining restaurants, the two said desperate marketing moves are a totally sad option to take. However, if your place is a canteen or eatery or fastfood it just might be beneficial IF used properly.

The problem with desperate marketing moves is that they lower your sales yet increase your expenses. It also makes it difficult for you to return to good prices for you when times get better. It is best to build your brand and keep the food and service quality up every time. There's no better marketing tool than a good reputation.

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