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Monday, November 3, 2008

Enhancing Family Style Dining

One of my faorite type of restaurant services is family dining. I guess because of my personal attachment to my family and because of the easy of how to set one up.

Family-style dining is a great idea for restaurants located near neighborhoods or villages and in malls. It's a good way to showcase your food since the quantity of the food gives your food a look of abundance and height if presented beautifully. It is also a good way to save on ingredients and other operating expenses. Why? Because the quantity of the food, which is around 3 to 5 persons per order, brings savings and uses ingredients more economically compared to single person servings. It brings the restaurant savings on fuel, labor, water, electricity and effort. There are also savings on ingredients that are packaged in bulk compared to single servings like what is needed for single person savings.

If you are planning or is currently running a family-style restaurant, here are some tips for you:

Think of the entire family when you plan your menu. Your guests range from very small children to senior citizen. The tendency is thinking only of food for chldren and adults. But most of the time, we forget menu or service suited for older people who might be on certain diet restrictions or motion difficulty. Put together a versatile menu but not one that tries to hit all. You may stick to your theme but vary the nutritional content and the ingredients.

Be consistent. If it's a family restaurant, make sure that the utensils, tables and chairs and the service match.

Maintain a family homey atmosphere. If you want to invite families to your restaurant, have an ambience akin to dining at home, that is, warm, homey, cozy and comfortable. Train your staff about dealing with fussy children, senior citizen and everything in between. Keep in mind that there are certain antiquities about eating at home and your staff should understand those.

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