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Monday, November 24, 2008

Setting the Holiday Mood

It's about 30 days before Christmas and if you haven't put up christmas decorations in the restaurant, you should do it now! A lot of restaurants seem at a loss as to how to set the mood for the holidays. Take note, setting the mood does not only mean putting up christmas decorations but making guests feel, taste and smell Christmas when they enter your restaurant.

Aside from decorations, your menu should have the Christmas "feel". Nope, you don't have to redo your menu or replace it temporarily with a Christmas-inspired menu. This is one of those times that the adage, the simpler, the better, really makes sense. The key is putting in a little effort yet seemingly simple to do.

One of my favorite simple Christmas treats for dining guests is giving them free Christmas cookies. Guests would love it! Serve the cookies, about one to two pieces per guest, once the guests are seated and voila!, you are setting the mood. Just make sure that the cookies have Christmas'y taste or look to them and that the waitstaff explains that they are special free Christmas cookeis for guests. Don't have Christmas cookie recipes? Don't worry. The world wide web makes it easier now to search for recipes. Just give it a little twise and make it your own version.

Another would be music. How simple could it get! Choose Christmas songs that are suited to the theme or ambience of your restaurant. Note that not just any song will do. If you have a fine dining restaurant, go for instrumentals or piano Christmas classic. If the place is upbeat, go for pop versions.

Insert one or two special dishes exclusively for the Holidays. You may have a main dish and a dessert or two main dishes or two desserts. Sometimes, just playing around with colors of food does the trick. Of course, keep in mind healthy cooking for the Holidays.

Christmas is around the corner. Surely other restaurants are cooking up their gimmicks. So should you!

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