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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Starting from Home

Not all restaurateurs started with a full-service restaurant or a counter in the mall. Some restaurants started with simple steps. If you are one of those with yet inadequate resources but want to start right now, it just could be a possibility with a loan for a home-based business.

I am personally afraid of taking on a loan. However, right now, I realized that my initial plan of saving up for the business will take me really long.

If you are planning a home-based food business, you can start with a food delivery service or by-order cakes and pastries business. You can also do packed lunches which you can cater to office workers or schools. There are just so many possibilities.

First thing you have to do is determine what you want to cook and what you can do best. These might be two separate answers for you but to settle the question would be what will click. Second is setting your product list and prices. Next would be getting your equipment and manpower needs, testing your food.

If money is your problem, there are already accommodative financial solutions for you that lends you money without collaterals and without all the fuss for as long as you have good credit standings.

Your dream business need not be flashy all at once. Starting simple and staring small just might be the answer for you.

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