Does Your Restaurant need Rescuing?

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Sunday, June 29, 2008

How is your restaurant fairng with the food crisis?

The whole world is being troubled by the crisis in food supplies and consequently, prices. Is your sales figure being affected? I am sure that your expenses are increased and that is not good news for any restaurateur.

If your restaurant is stunned by the sudden increase in food prices, this is the time to be focused and practical.


Do be mindful of your food costs. Your food cost comprises a big chunk of your operating expenses so if there is anything to starting putting your guards up on.

Don't bring your prices down. Don't do this in the hope of getting more sales or enticing more clients to dine. The consequences of such a move will be increasing your expenses but sadly, decreasing your income. If you lower your prices now, it will take much effort to increase them or bring them back to normal prices when times get better.

Do try to look more closely at your quantity and ingredients. I am not saying that the solution would be to reenginner your menu altogether. However, if you are in a totally hard situation, this just might be the move for you. In these hard times, people will not really be too responsive to a price reduction unless it is substantial. Therefore, keep your prices but look at the quantity. Will the dish look totally different if you shave off a few grams? Your ingredients might also be substituted for other items that will not sacrifice the taste of the dish. Example are cheese, oil and meat cuts.

Try other cost-cutting measures. Sometimes, you have optimized your recipes and have just no other way to reduce them. Or it could be that you opt to stick with your recipes. In this case, look at other expenses like utilities, restaurant supplies or manpower. We often overlook these expenses when times are good. However, be careful in cost-cutting so much that you sacrifice the comfort and satisfaction of your customers.

So when you feel you have to cut costs, do so wisely.

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