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Sunday, July 10, 2011

4 Ways to Better Employee Management

In any restaurant, aside from the all-too-important FOOD, the service is one that is scrutinized a lot.

We may not be far from automating our restaurants but at this time, we still need actual human beings to serve the food and cook and buss and clean up. Therefore, our employees still play a major role. Motivating and managing your employees need to be approached in a proactive manner.

Here are Five Things to remember when dealing with employees.

Employees are very wary of salaries, benefits, reprimands and recognition. First, giving employees the proper salary according to legal minimum requirements. Giving employees the minimum wage at least will be less of a headache for employers. Being fair will also mean giving the same benefits and applying the same policies to all.

One company principle that should be applied to all the sections and functions in a restaurant is CONSISTENCY. Consistent, standard taste, portion and timing of food, consistent service. Consistency also applies to employee discipline and recognition. This can be addressed with an employee handbook which should set the rules as to how employees will be dealt with when they do something right and wrong. They should be recognized for great service efforts and reprimanded accordingly for misbehavior or incorrect delivery of service.

Again, this goes back to having an employee handbook which should contain everything about employee standards of conduct, uniform, disciplinary action matrix and the like.

Employees need to see that owners and managers "walk their talk". When they see their leaders being foul or disrespectful to guests, it will be like giving them "permission" to do the same. Owners and managers need to be great examples to their staff.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Group discount websites: How to treat them

Recently, group discount websites and even printed discount coupons are emerging as the latest in sales and marketing tools.

When you receive your proposal, you would think, "Is this a ridiculous idea or what?" You might think why should you sell your meals at 50% the price?

When you decide on your deal for any one of them, make sure to remember the following:

Think promotion not revenue. If you sell at anything around half off your price (which is what these websites are asking from restaurants), think of taking back your loss some other way. Even if it converts to volume sales for you instantly, it's still at a less ideal price for you. Treat these deals as promotional tools.

Think about your brand. These applies for any marketing activity. Think about your brand and decide evaluate the deals against it. Ensure that the deals will still be in support of the brand you are taking care of or building.

Read your contracts to the dot and make sure your company maximizes its exposure. Record your sales or other benefits out of these deals so that you have a basis the next time you are approached by another group discount websites.

Ideally, these group discount sites are great for new establishments. For the seasoned ones, they can use the deals to focus on a specific service, dish or improvement.