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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Let the world know

Okay, so not necessarily the world, but at least, your locality.

What needs to be known to the world? All the great things you are proud of in your restaurant.

This article is inspired by a recent visit to one of the restaurants I consulted for last year. I saw that they have new posters on their new offerings that were cunningly designed and phrased. I was happy but at the same time, I was disappointed. Why are they keeping these good marketing tools in the restaurant when the place could benefit from it being brought outiside?

This visit was part of my post-consultancy check which I do for all my consultancies. So I sent a report to the owner of the restaurant about my visit. I also told him about using the posters in their marketing activities.

As in all restaurants, we have great things to say about our own places. How this dish is special, this ingredient is superb and the like. We are able to tell our clients those, if we are lucky.

However, it is more important that your target market learns about these great features. Let the world know about them. Don't keep them in your restaurant. Use the marketing tools that are most effective for your market. It does not have to be an expensive effort. Take note though that marketing is an investment.

So the next time that you make a great offering in the restaurant, tell the world about it.

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